Your generosity enables Grace Presbyterian Church to transform lives through excellence in programing in our congregation, community and beyond. Every gift counts. Our goal is to offer as many giving options as possible to fit your needs.

Online Giving
Schedule a one-time or recurring gift from a checking account or credit/debit card.
Place cash or check in the offering plate. Individualized envelopes are available upon request. Collection boxes are also located in the Sanctuary and narthex.
Automatic Bank Pay
Submit your gifts through your bank’s online bill pay service. Send to “Attention: Finance Department”.
Donor Advised Funds – NEW
Gifts submitted through DAFs (e.g. Fidelity, Vanguard or Schwab Charitable) will find our church listed as shown below. Be sure to check the City/EIN.
Grace Presbyterian Church
Plano, TX – EIN: 75-1728491
Make a gift of stock or other appreciated securities. Please instruct your financial institution to transfer shares as follows:
Receiving Firm Name: Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company
Receiving Account Title: Grace Presbyterian Church
DTC Number: 0062
Receiving Account Number: 64572011
Please notify John Moody, Director of Finance of any pending transfers.
Endowment Giving
Please contact us if you are interested in making a donation to one of our endowment funds or establishing a fund.
For questions concerning giving at Grace contact:
Director of Finance, John Moody at:
Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) – New
If you are 70 1/2 or older, the church is eligible to receive QCDs directly from your IRA account. A QCD distribution is non-taxable and counts toward your current year Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). While the church cannot provide professional tax advice, you may contact John Moody, Director of Finance, or 469.429.6808, for additional information or to answer questions. One site to learn more about QCDs can be found by clicking on the link in your newsletter email: How to take qualified charitable distributions (QCD) | Vanguard.