Pastor Nominating Committee
Reverend Doctor Tracey Davenport has been elected as the new GPC Pastor/Head of Staff
Updates will be added leading up to the Tracey’s first sermon on September 13th.  (updated 8/01/2020)
PNC Quicklinks

Grace PC Mission Study

Ministry Information Form PC(USA)
  • On Calling a Pastor (webpage) This page is very useful to understand the overall process, terms used and roles of all involved in the pastor call process.
  • On Calling a Pastor (pdf): A resource for pastor nominating committees, and mid councils
About the PNC
What is the role of the Pastor Nominating Committee?
In the Presbyterian Church PC(USA), a PNC serves as a type of search committee whose objective is to review candidates and recommend a prospective pastor. Our PNC is made up of church members from different walks of life, and we all have strong connections to both Grace Presbyterian Church and the PC(USA). In the diversity of our perspectives but unity of our goal, we find strength and confidence in our direction. This PNC was elected by the congregation on November 10th, 2019
Who are the PNC members?
  • Ken Hu: Current Deacon, past Moderator of the Deacons, attends the Men’s retreats at MO Ranch
  • Laurie Kneeland: Past GracePC Deacon, youth Sunday School small group leader, past Fall Festival coordinator, past chili Cookoff coordinator, parent of Exultation members.  Laurie is the PNC Scribe
  • Brian Schnittker: Festival Singer, Godly Play Doorkeeper, Day School parent, marriage ministry participant
  • Mike Shaw: Former Elder, Nurture Council member, Stephen Minister, grief group coordinator 
  • Jim Stahler: Member of Sanctuary Choir, member of STARS, Family Promise Volunteer, Seedlings bible study group, Bible Boomers Sunday School class member
  • Bill Urech: Mission Committee Member, Guatemala team member, property volunteer.  Bill is the PNC Moderator and Web Developer
  • Paula Wilder: Former Deacon, Wedding Coordinator, member of worship & music committee, Women of Grace steering committee member, Marriage Ministry team member 
July Update:  Tracey Davenport was unanimously elected Pastor/Head of Staff at the July 12th Congregational meeting!
PNC Process Steps
Prior Updates
June Update: The PNC extended a call to its finalist candidate and the call has been accepted!  The terms of the call have been submitted to the COM for formal approval on the 3rd week of June.   The PNC is scheduled to update Session on 6/24 with the candidate’s name and terms of the call.  Session is working with the PNC on organizing a congregational meeting to introduce and vote on the candidate.   At this time the meeting is expected to be virtual.  The candidate was officially announced June 25th.
May Update: The PNC has completed first and second interviews and is in the process of determining the final candidate.   This candidate will be submitted to Presbytery and interviewed by the COM.   Once that is complete the PNC can contact the candidate and offer the the call.
Covid-19 impact: Since March the PNC has conducted all business virtually.  This includes all meetings and interviews.   We are fortunate that all candidates have many sermons published on the Internet – traditionally final candidates would have preached at a neutral church with the PNC in attendance.  Instead of local visits, we substituted with virtual lunches, tours of Grace, online studies and even a short video giving a tour of Plano.   Though different, we have found these approaches to be very good in getting to know the candidates and for them getting to know us.   We are closer to our goal and we thank all of the Grace family for their prayers and support throughout this process.
April Update: The PNC has been reviewing submitted PIFs, visiting church websites and listening to many online sermons. We are in the process of scheduling telephone/Zoom interviews for the end of April.  The Covid-19 pandemic could cause additional delays due to limitations on pastor availability
March Update: Grace’s Ministry Information Form (MIF) is published and the PNC is now receiving/reviewing Pastor Information Forms (PIFs) from candidates.   Review is an ongoing process – new PIFs are being received through both Presbytery and candidate self-referral.
February: Grace’s Ministry Information Form (MIF) was approved by both Presbytery and Session!  The MIF was published on the PC(USA) Church Leadership Connection (CLC) system on 2/24.   The PNC starting reviewing submitted Pastor Information Forms (PIFs).
January: The initial MIF was not approved by the COM at their January meeting.  The PNC is working with Presbytery on revising the MIF based on feedback from the COM.
December: The PNC is hard at work on the Ministry Information Form (MIF).  This details how GPC views itself and what we are looking for in a new Pastor.   We are striving to create a high quality MIF – as it is seen by all potential candidates.   The Presbytery and GPC Session will review and approve the final draft of the MIF before it is officially published.
November: The congregation elected the PNC based on the candidates submitted by the Officer Nominating Committee.   The newly formed PNC meets with Presbytery representatives Kathy Jones and Bob Warren for training/guidance in the overall process.