Mission: Special Offerings
In the Presbyterian Church USA there are 4 times a year we have special offerings. At Grace the administration of the offerings goes through the Mission Committee. In this blog I’ll talk about what these offerings are and how we have distributed the funds in the last year. In general, the total for each offering is between $1,000 and $2,000. For offerings that allow discretion in allocation, the committee decides the split.
In 2023 Mission sent 50% of the offering to the Presbyterian Mission Agency. 25% went to our synod’s Solar under the Sun program and the local 25% was used to support Grace’s refugee work.
Mission: Welcome Grace
Welcome to the Grace PC mission blog. The long term goal of this blog is to talk about the different aspects of mission work at GPC. In this inaugural post I’m going to outline who is “mission” at Grace and how we decide what to pursue.
At Grace every member is a part of mission – or can be. Practically, and since we are Presbyterian, we have a Mission committee. The committee is currently composed of 8 members, one of whom is the Mission elder, plus an associate pastor and a member of the finance committee (Mission represents about 10% of the GPC budget). We meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month and any are welcome to join the meetings.
The current committee:
Bill Urech – Elder/Moderator |
Portia Stephens |
Fred Alves |
Bill Burnett |
Helen Blacklock |
Bryan Haworth |
Diana Sparacin |
Janice McQuary |
Wilson Nicholson – Assoc Pastor |
John Davis – Finance |
Bill Urech (Mission Elder)