Welcome to the Grace PC mission blog. The long term goal of this blog is to talk about the different aspects of mission work at GPC. In this inaugural post I’m going to outline who is “mission” at Grace and how we decide what to pursue.
At Grace every member is a part of mission – or can be. Practically, and since we are Presbyterian, we have a Mission committee. The committee is currently composed of 8 members, one of whom is the Mission elder, plus an associate pastor and a member of the finance committee (Mission represents about 10% of the GPC budget). We meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month and any are welcome to join the meetings.
The current committee:
Bill Urech – Elder/Moderator
Portia Stephens
Fred Alves
Bill Burnett
Helen Blacklock
Bryan Haworth
Diana Sparacin
Janice McQuary
Wilson Nicholson – Assoc Pastor
John Davis – Finance
Mission’s goal is to work towards all aspect of the GPC Vision 2030. Historically, we have worked within the guidelines of the 4 Hs (Homelessness, Hunger, Helping Hands and H2O). This is why we have Minnie’s workdays, host refugees, serve at Austin Street Center, install water systems in Guatemala. Vision 2030 will drive how we execute the 4Hs.

So, how do we decide what to do? At the monthly meeting we talk about what we’ve done recently, what is upcoming and what we could do that’s new. The criteria for new ideas are if it falls within our Vision and if it can give opportunity for Grace members to participate in some way. Also, Mission has a long history of taking walk-ins. Meaning, you can show up at a committee meeting with a mission idea and pitch it to us. If it’s a hit then several things can happen. Mission will help you publicize it and/or provide funding. We will ask you to lead it! Don’t be timid. In the past year this is how adoption of Beaty Elementary and funding for the Prison ministry started.
To keep up with what Mission is doing look to the “Mission Updates” section of the weekly newsletter, check your connection card or visit us on the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm in MB4.
Blessings to all,
Bill Urech (Mission Elder)